Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Welcome and Rhubarb Chutney!

Welcome one and all to the Sterling College Farmstead Arts Ol' Timey Blog!
We are hoping to share our experiences and challenges with the World Wide Web as we explore the art of adding value to raw materials. We will be canning, basket weaving, paper making, distilling oils and much more!
comments, recommendations and shared experiences are welcome!

Rhubarb Chutney
In our first class we learned the art of canning, and produced and canned a fair amount of Rhubarb Chutney. The advantage of a chutney is that the recipe itself is very acidic and therefore will keep for long on its own, so pressure canning is not necessary. After cooking the chutney we placed it in sterilized mason jars with the lids only just on, placed the jars in water and brought to a boil for ten minutes. When the jars are extracted the steam is let out and they make a little 'pop' and seal up! The chutney came out great and we are all looking forward to testing our own family recipes and canning on our own! (leftovers were placed in the student snack area for all who desire)

Here is the recipe and some pictures of the process:
     • 4 lb rhubarb
     • 2 lb red onions
     • 3 cups sugar
     • 1 cup molasses
     • 2 cups cider vinegar
     • 2 tbs cinnamon
     • 1/2 tbsp cloves
     • 2 tbsp salt
     • 1 tbsp ginger

     • chop rhubarb
     • mince onion
     • add cinnamon, sugar, vinegar, salt & ginger
     • stir and boil till thick. Pack in mason jars.